by Mike Mikeworth | May 3, 2016
“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God.” II Cor. 3:5 “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good...
by Mike Mikeworth | Apr 26, 2016
Philosopher Os Guinness explains an entrepreneur as a “person who assumes the responsibility for a creative task, not as an assigned role, a routine function, or an inherited duty, but as a venture of faith, including risk and danger, in order to bring into the...
by Mike Mikeworth | Apr 26, 2016
“WORK” is not a dirty four-letter word ending in “k”…but can actually be a major source of one’s satisfaction in life. There are the extremes: the “workaholic” and the diminished worker who is uninspired, just going through the motions to pull down a paycheck. ...
by Mike Mikeworth | Oct 24, 2015
Venture Call LLC is here to help you in all your future endeavors. Realizing your dream is more than just knowing you have one. It is being willing to do what it takes to make your dream become a reality. How do you do that? By writing it down first of all. Some would...